Founded in 1974, RPA - Refrat??rios Paulista Ind??stria e Com??rcio Ltda - has the most advanced technology in the field of refractories and it is nowadays one of the most important companies in the segment with an international presence.
Located in the city of Mogi Gua??u, S??o Paulo, the facilities are spread in an area of approximately 11 hectares and are equipped with modern and sophisticated technology for the production of:
RPA has the capacity to offer a global service and it is committed to a high quality standard by controlling raw materials, fabrication process and final inspection of the goods.
Customized products are developed in order to meet specific requirements and customers benefit from a close technical assistance and follow up on the continuous process improvement led by a dedicated R&D engineering supporting team.
RPA success is based on 4 main pillars
The long-term commitment and the results achieved through development programs are real evidence and truly witness of the company growth which has established itself as a main player in the international refractory market.
Av. Suécia, 754 Mogi Guaçu - SP - Brasil CEP. 13848-315 T. + 55 19 3019 1250